August 31, 2010

How To: Watermelon Popsicles (3 Months in the Making)

As summer winds down, we decided it was finally time to pick our lone watermelon from its vine. Despite spreading over 20 feet of our garden (and through the fence and into our neighbors yard), the plant only produced a single watermelon. After some serious discussion about how to enjoy it, Mae Mae suggested watermelon popsicles. Everyone agreed this was a special way to enjoy our modest harvest.

As you can imagine, this is probably the simplest of all children's cooking activities. It requires only a watermelon, a bowl, big mixing spoons and popsicle molds. We found some popsicle molds at Ikea last year that have held up surprisingly well (not like the uber desk we bought in the same trip). I also have to recommend bathing suits, because it gets uber messy. So some "smash, smash, pour, smash, cry, share, time out, smash, lick" time later we had our tasty treat.

I threw them in the freezer and then turned the hose on the kids. Once we were all sufficiently soaked, and hot and tired, the popsicles were ready.

So, after 3 months on meticulous gardening, watering, weeding, and cultivating Ava concluded, "We like the other ones better." The other ones being the long, skinny, plastic sleeved Flav-o-Ices. Yep, the $1.00 for a box of 100 popsicles that they sell at gas stations. To which Mae agreed, "Next year, lets plant those."