About BabyBinks

BabyBinks develops iPhone applications for modern families. Come on and join the party; there's stroller parking in the back, a changing table in the bathroom, and cold beer behind the breast milk in the fridge.

In Real-Life

Taglines aside, BabyBinks is the website of Andrew Binkowski. What started as a blog to keep friends and family updated on our children, has exploded into a commentary on modern fatherhood. With a subscription base that includes a comma, its just a little place on the Internet to visit when you are one diaper change away from telling your family you're going out for a pack of cigarrettes and not coming home until you son signs a major league baseball contract.

Cliffs Notes on BabyBinks

  • I have 3 kids, ages 4, 2, and 1. I use fake names in the posts so as not to make it easier to abduct them.
  • My wife and I have been married for 8 (I think) years. We met in college.
  • I'm a re-relapsed Catholic. Who doesn't start going to church again after the "+" sign appears on a pregnancy test? We go to church every week, but I still don't pay attention and I let my kids color the whole time. My wife prays for all of us.
  • We've had all of our kids in daycare since they were 3 months old...but we still love them.
  • The daycare is at my work, so I get to eat lunch everyday with my kids.

What's With All the iPhone Stuff

My wife and I have iPhones. We wanted to find a good baby naming application, we couldn't find one so I wrote one. We wanted to help our daughter learn to read, so I wrote another one.